About Billing Options

These options for Billing Type are set up on the Jobs General Tab. Selection of Billing Type affects how you create billings.


This option allows the user to create Job and Non-Job invoices. In eFinancials Accounts Receivable you can then:

Progress Billing (AIA)

This option allows the user to create items to be billed. Amounts can be entered or calculated by using percentage of completion methods. In eFinancials Accounts Receivable you can then:

T&M Billing

This option allows the user to accumulate costs incurred for a Job, and then marks up these costs for the invoice. In eFinancials Accounts Receivable you can then:

Contract Billings

This option allows the user to bill Jobs. Amounts to be billed may be entered, or a percentage of the contract may be billed. In eFinancials Accounts Receivable you can then:

See Also

Job Cost Overview